Rehabilitative Voice Therapy
Does this sound like you?
I feel like I have a lump in my throat
I clear my throat all the time
People ask me to speak up or repeat myself
It hurts when I talk in meetings
The muscles in my neck feel warm or sore when I talk
My voice is tired or worn by the end of the day
My voice doesn't feel like me
My voice doesn't sound like it used to
I can't sing high or low notes
We manage a range of voice disorders such as:
Muscle Tension Dysphonia
Pre and Post operative voice therapy
Voice inefficiency, technique and artistry
Who can benefit from voice therapy?
Professional voice users who are experiencing difficulty or changes e.g. teachers, fitness instructors, call centre operators, performers, auctioneers
People experiencing vocal fatigue, increased effort, changes in voice quality or reaching optimal pitch.
People with vocal symptoms of neurological conditions e.g. Parkinson's disease, spasmodic dysphonia, post stroke or brain injury.
People who have seen another voice team member (GP, ENT, voice physiotherapist) and have received a diagnosis of a voice disorder or pathology